
Informing the Latino Community Online on Issues Impacting Your Life

February 28, 2009

The Newseum is Awesome!

I went to the Newseum today in D.C. for the first time and I must confess it was AWESOME! They have everything you want to know about the history of news in the United States from way back in the days to contemporary online digital media. Also, check out the different shows they have in exhibit; I caught the, "Getting a feel for the News," in the Annenber theater I recommend it if you are a news junkie like me and enjoy 4D interaction, you'd love this. Also there are other shows on sports, documentaries, and plenty more to see.

So if you happen to be in D.C., you should totally consider visiting it among the many other attractions the city has to offer. The Newseum is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily and is closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. It is accessible by Metro and the cost is $20 bucks per person for the full day.

If you like to know more about the Newseum in D.C. Check out their website below:

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