
Informing the Latino Community Online on Issues Impacting Your Life

February 17, 2009

Who's Who Among Presidents

Here is some interesting news I received today from CSPAN: Presidential Leadership Survey on former Commander-in-Chief Leaders in the White House. I thought I share it with you.

According to 64 Presidential Historians surveyed by CSPAN, Abraham Lincoln is ranked number one as our highest leader in U.S. Presidential history; scoring 902 total points. His highest skill is performance within Context of times (97.7), and his lowest skill is Relations with Congress (78.8).

At the bottom of the ranking is President James Buchanan, being number 42 of the list, and scoring a total of 227 points. His highest scored skill is, Administrative Skills (33.4), and his lowest scored skill is, Pursued Equal Justice for All (16.2).

I've heard of some of the historians on the list before but I do not know most. See for yourself if you can recognize or heard of any of these presidential historians before by visiting the Suvey website:


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