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March 16, 2009

Should We Hire Him?

This past weekend I posted the resume of Mr. John Leslie King, candidate to be dean of Heinz College(See five prior posts below). I understand, there is another final prospective applicant being considered, who happens to be the acting dean right now at the school, his name is Prof. Ramayya Krishan. The selection committee will pick one of these two candidates to be the next dean of Heinz college.

Having reviewed both resumes, who do you think should be the leader to lead Heinz college during this time of change in America?

Your input is greatly appreciated, and I will make sure to pass it onto the selection committee. Please provide your feedback below or email me by no later than friday, March 20.

May the best Professor win.

Prof. Ramayya Krishan's Resume
H. John Heinz III College, Cylaband Institute for Complex Engineered SystemsCarnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh,PA 15213 Phone: (412) 268-2174 Fax: (412) 268-7036 email: http://us.mc541.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=rk2x@andrew.cmu.edu WWW: http://www.heinz.cmu.edu/~rk2x

Positions Held
Interim Dean, H. John Heinz III College, Sep 2008-
W.W. Cooper and Ruth F. Cooper Professor of Management Science and Information Systems Carnegie Mellon University 1999-
Professor of Management Science and Information Systems Carnegie Mellon University 1997- 1999
Associate Professor of Management Science and Information SystemsCarnegie Mellon UniversityJune 1994-1997
Assistant Professor of Management Science and Information SystemsCarnegie Mellon University December 1987-May 1994
International Research Fellow, International Center for Electronic Commerce, Seoul, Korea
Visiting Scientist, Institute for Information Systems Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany funded by Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (German NSF)
Visiting Professor, Indian School of Business, Winter 2003

Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin (December 1987)Major: Management Science and Information SystemsDissertation: Knowledge-based Aids for Model Formulation
M.S.E. University of Texas at Austin (August 1983)Major Area: Operations Research/Statistics
B.Tech. Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (July 1981) Major Area: Mechanical Engineering

Security though Interaction Modeling, NSF Center Award, CISE 0433540, (Senior Personnel, Mike Reiter: PI), $5,000,000, 2004-2009.
Peer to Peer Computing and Virtual Communities, National Science Foundation, CISE Program, $495,000, Oct 2001-2004, (with Prof. Callan and Prof. Montgomery), NSF IIS­0118767
Equipment Grant, Hewlett Packard Corporation, 2000, $150,000
Visual Interactive Prototyping: Knowledge Integration for Distributed Engineering, National Science Foundation, KDI program award, (with Prof. Regli, Prof. Khosla, Prof. Lu), $1,200,000, Oct 98-Oct01, CISE/IIS/KDI 9873005
Equipment Grant, Intel Corporation, $350,000, 1997 (With Wil Gorr)
Electronic Commerce in Decision-Supporting Technologies, German American Academic Council Foundation, DM 60,000, 1997-2000, (With Oliver Guenther, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany)
Project MADDD (Models + Analysis + Data + Documents = Decisions), DARPA, $800,000, DASW01 97 K 0007, 1997-2000 (With Steve Kimbrough, University of Pennsylvania).
Visiting Scientist, SFB 373, Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (German NSF), DM 11,000.
Information Network-enabled Decision Support, $209,001, Principal Investigator (with Rema Padman), Army Research Office and US Army AI Center, DAAH04-96-10385, 1996-1998.
On Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Decision Analysis Technologies: The Case of Determining Support Requirements for a Combat Force, $167,750, Principal Investigator (with Rema Padman), Army Research Office and US Army AI Center, DAAH04-94-G­0239, 1994-1996.
Inferential Disclosure Risk in Computer Databases, $230,000, Principal Investigator (with George Duncan), National Science Foundation, IRI-9312143, 1994-1997.
Auditing Processes and Decision Support Systems, $38,500, Principal Investigator (with James Peters), Grant Thornton Foundation, Chicago, 1993-1994.
Development of Solver/Model Interface Standards, $15,000, Principal Investigator, Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing, Ulm, Germany, 1991-1992.

Department Editor, Information Systems, Management Science, 2003-2008 President, INFORMS Information Systems Society, Dec 2005-2007 Distinguished Teacher Award, Information Systems Management Program, 2005 IEEE Conference on Electronic Commerce, Munich, Keynote Speaker, July 2005 General Motors Distance Teaching Excellence Award, 2004 Magid Igabaria Distinguished Scholar, Claremont Graduate University, 2004 Best Paper Runner up Award, ICIS 2002
Best Paper Award, AMCIS conference, 2001
Best Paper Award, Workshop on Information Technology and Systems, 2000
Martcia Wade Teaching Ward, Carnegie Mellon University, 2000
Chair, INFORMS Computing Society, 1999-2000
Fellow, E-business Research Center, Penn State University
International Research Fellow, International Center for Electronic Commerce, Seoul, Korea
Best Paper Award, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Advanced Technology Track, 1997
Best Paper Award, Workshop on Information Technology and Systems, 1995
Plenary Speaker, International Conference on Decision Support Systems, 1993
Outstanding Student Paper Award, Decision Sciences Institute (Southwest), 1986
Recipient of the Abell-Hanger Endowed Presidential Scholarship, 1986-1987
Recipient of the University of Texas Continuing Fellowship Award 1985-1987

Department Editor, Information Systems, Management Science, July 2004-Dec 2008
Associate Editor, Information Systems Research, 2005-2008
Associate Editor, Operations Research, 2003-2007
Co-editor, Special issue of Management Science on E-business, Oct and Nov 2003
Co-editor, Special Issue of Interfaces on E-business (available at www.informs.org/ebiz/interfaces), 2001
Area Co-Editor, Telecommunications and Electronic Commerce, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2000-2004.
Area Editor, Management Information Systems, Interfaces, 1999-2002
Associate Editor, Management Science, 2002-2004
Associate Editor, POMS, 2003-2004
Editorial Board, Electronic Commerce Research Journal, 1999-2004
Editorial Board, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 1997-present
Editorial Board, International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 1997-present
Associate Editor, INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and Management Science) Journal on Computing, August 1992-2000
Member of the Editorial Board, Decision Support Systems, August 1992-present
Contributing Editor, Interactive Transactions on Operations Research and Management Science (ITORMS), an INFORMS journal, 1995-present
Associate Editor, Special Issue of the Annals of Operations Research on Model Management, 1992-1993
Associate Editor, INFORMS Computer Science Technical Section Newsletter, August 1995-present
Co-editor, ORSA AI Technical Section Newsletter, 1991-1993

Professional Activities
Co-Chair, International Symposium on Information Systems, 2006-2007 Workshop Chair, IEEE CEC, 2005 Co-Chair, Information Technology and Systems track, ICIS, 2004 Program member, Academic Program Committee, Austin Mobility Conference, 2004 Program Co-Chair, Workshop on the Economics of P2P Networks, Berkeley, June 2003Program Co-chair, WITS 2003 Program Committee, WITS 2002-2007 Program Committee, WEWCIS, 2002 Program Committee, Mobility and Electronic Commerce, 2001 Program Committee, Third International Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web-based Information Systems, 2001 Program Committee, Workshop on Information technology and Systems, Jan 2001 Program Committee, Workshop on Spatial and Scientific Databases, July 2000 Co-Program Chair, Second International Conference on Telecommunications and Electronic Commerce (ICTEC), 1999 Member, NSF Workshop on the Digital Government Initiative, October 98 Cluster Chair, Telecommunications, Cincinnati INFORMS meeting, May 1999 Program Committee Member, 17th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER'98), 1998 Program Committee Member, First International Conference on Telecommunications and Electronic Commerce (ICTEC), 1998 Organizing Committee, Workshop on Component-based Electronic Commerce, 1998 Program Committee Member, International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 1998 Program Co-chair, INFORMS Conference on Information Technology and Systems, 1998Cluster Chair, Telecommunications, San Diego INFORMS meeting, 1997 Member of the INFORMS Information Technology Committee, June 1996-present Program Committee Member, International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 1998 Program Committee Member, INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology, 1996, 1997 Program Committee Member, Workshop on Information Technology and Systems, 1996­1999Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (German NSF) funded Visiting Scientist, Institute for Information Systems, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, Summer, 1995 and 1996Member, NSF Evaluation Panel, NSF Database and Expert Systems Program, 1994Co-organizer, OOPSLA (Object Oriented Programming, Systems and Languages) Workshop on Objects, Scripts and the Web, 1995 Panelist, Principled Approaches to Systems Analysis and Design, International Conference on Information Systems, 1993 Program Committee Member and IFORS Representative, Third International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Economics and Management, 1993 Track Coordinator, Modeling Technologies and Information Systems, Hawaii International Conference on the System Sciences, 1991-1995 Reviewer, Decision Support Systems, Management Science, Operations Research, Information Systems Research, INFORMS Journal on Computing, IEEE Expert, Journal on Organizational Computing, several IS conferences including HICSS, WITS, ICIS Proposal reviewer for government agencies in US and Canada US Army Research Office, NSF, DARPA, National Research Council of Canada Session Chair of several invited College of IS sessions at INFORMS meetings

Service to the University and the Heinz School
Member, University Research Strategic Planning Committee, 2007-2008
Chair, IS Recruiting Committee, 2006
Co-Chair, OR recruiting Committee, 2006
Provost review committee, 2004
Faculty Chair, MISM and MSISPM Program, CMU, 2000-
MS in Information Security, Curriculum Committee, 2002
Presidential Advisory Board, 2002
Member, IS recruiting committee, 2001
Chair, IS recruiting Committee, 2000
Member, MSCF committee University Committee on Information and Communications technology, 1998
University Committee on University Wide Masters Program, 1998
University Instructional Technology Committee, 1997
Faculty Senate, 1994-1997
University Committee on Special Appointments, 1996-present
Co-Chair, MISPPM Committee, 1995-1998
Member, PhD Committee, 1989-2000
Member of several committees on Information Systems strategy at Heinz
Lead presenter on Information Systems education and research programs at Heinz,President's Advisory Board Visit, 1995
Member of team assigned to make grant development presentations Campaigner, United Way, 1989 - 1991

Digital Transformation, 95-722, 2005-present
Statistics for IT Managers, co-instructor, 2001-2003
Electronic Commerce, 90-742, 1997-present
Decision Support Systems, 90-745, 1990-1996
Telecommunications Management, 90-768, 1994-present
Artificial Intelligence, 90-781, 1988-1994
Expert Systems, 90-782, 1989-1994
Conceptual Modeling, Ph.D. Seminar, 1989
Management Science, 1993, co-taught with Prof. George Duncan

Teaching in the Distance Learning Initiative
Decision Support Systems Telecommunications Management E-business: Technology and Management
Teaching in Executive Programs
My expertise lies in understanding ways in which IT can be leveraged in business contexts. My courses on these topics have been delivered to executives in government and in corporations. I have taught in both custom and open enrollment programs.
Current Research Interests
Electronic Commerce, Data Security and Privacy, Incentive Issues in Distributed Information Systems

Edited Volumes
1 Management Science, special issue on E-Business, Vol. 49, No. 11, Nov 2003.
2 Management Science, special issue on E-Business, Vol. 49, No. 10, Oct 2003.

Chapters in Books
1 George T. Duncan, Stephen E. Fienberg, Ramayya Krishnan, Rema Padman, and Stephen F. Roehrig, “Disclosure Limitation Methods and Information Loss for Tabular Data," in Confidentiality, Disclosure, and Data Access: Theory and Practical Applications for Statistical Agencies, edited by Pat Doyle, Julia I. Lane, J.M. Theeuwes and Laura V. Zayatz, North-Holland, 2001.
2 XiaoFeng Wang, Xun Yi, Ramayya Krishnan, S K Siew and Pradeep K Khosla, “Mobile Agent Based Auctionlike Negotiation in Internet Retail Commerce,” E-Commerce And Intelligent Methods, edited by J. Segovia, P.S. Szczepaniak, M. Niedzwiedzinski, Springer-Verlag Group (Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg)
3 Karen Clay, R. Krishnan, M. Smith (2001), “The Great Experiment: Pricing on the Internet”, Handbook of Electronic Commerce, CRC Press, pp. 139-152.
4 R. Krishnan (1995), "Model Management," Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, S. Gass and C. Harris Eds., Kluwer Publishing Company.
5 R. Krishnan, P. Piela, A. Westerberg (1993), "Reusing Mathematical Models in ASCEND," in Recent Developments in Decision Support Systems, eds. C. Holsapple and A. Whinston, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Publications in Refereed Journals
1 A. Arora, R Krishnan, R Telang, Y Yang (2008) "An Empirical Analysis of Software Vendors’ Patch Release Behavior: Impact of Vulnerability Disclosure", Information Systems Research, forthcoming.
2 K. Hosanagar, J. Chuang, R. Krishnan, M. Smith (2008), “Service Adoption and Pricing of Content Delivery Network (CDN) Services”, forthcoming, Management Science.
3 K. Asdemir, V, Jacob, R. Krishnan (2008), “Dynamic Pricing of Home Delivery”, forthcoming, European Journal of Operations Research.
4 A. Greenwald, K. Kannan, R. Krishnan (2008), “A Computational Approach to the Comparison of Information Revelation Policies in E-markets“, forthcoming, Information Systems Research.
5 R. Krishnan (2008), “Grid Economics: A Selective Discussion of Two Research Problems”, Journal of Grid Computing, Forthcoming.
6 R. Krishnan, M. Smith, R. Telang, Z. Tang (2008), “Digital Business Models for Peer-to-Peer Networks: Analysis and Economic Issues”, Review of Network Economics, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 194-213.
7 A. Arora, Amy Greenwald, K. Kannan, R. Krishnan, “Effect of Information Revelation Policies in E-Marketplaces: A Game-Theoretic Perspective”, Management Science, Vol. 53, No. 8, pp.1234-1248.
8 V. Jacob, R. Krishnan, Y. Ryu, “Internet Content Filtering using Isotonic Separation on the PICS specification” ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. 7, No. 1, Feb 2007.
9 J. Kadane, R. Krishnan, G. Shmueli, A Data Disclosure Policy for Count Data based on the COM-Poisson Distribution, Management Science, Vol. 52, No. 10, pp. 1610-1617, Oct 2006.
10 Anindya Ghose, Rahul Telang, Ramayya Krishnan, "Impact of Electronic Secondary Markets on Information Goods Supply Chain, Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 91-120,. 2005.
11 K. Hosanagar, R. Krishnan, V. Choudhary, J. Chuang, “Pricing and Resource Allocation in Caching Services with Multiple Levels of QoS”, Management Science, vol. 51, No. 12, Dec 2005..
12 R. Krishnan, J. Peters, R. Padman, D. Kaplan, “On Data quality Assessment in Accounting Information Systems, Information Systems Research, Vol. 16, No 3. pp. 307-327, 2005
13 J. Caulkins, A, Ding, G. Duncan, R. Krishnan, E. Nyberg, “A Method for Managing Access to Web Pages: Filtering by Statistical Classification Techniques”, Decision Support Systems, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 144-161, Oct 2006.
14 Asvanund, Atip, Karen Clay, Ramayya Krishnan, Michael Smith (2004), “An Empirical Analysis of Network Externalities in Peer-To-Peer Music Sharing Networks”, Information Systems Research, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 155-174..
15 A. Montgomery, K. Hosanagar, R. Krishnan, K. Clay(2004), “Designing a Better Shopbot,” Management Science, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 189-206.
16 Ramayya Krishnan, Michael Smith, Rahul Telang (2004), "The Economics of Peer to Peer Networks", Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application, 5(3), 31-44.
17 A. Geoffrion, R. Krishnan (2003), “E-Business and Management Science: Mutual Impacts (Part 1 of 2)”, Management Science, Vol. 49, No. 10, pp. 1275-1286.
18 A. Geoffrion, R. Krishnan (2003), “E-Business and Management Science: Mutual Impacts (Part 1 of 2)”, Management Science, Vol. 49, No. 11, pp. 1445-1456.
19 K. Clay, R. Krishnan, E. Wolff (2001), “Prices and Price Dispersion on the Web: Evidence from the Online Book Industry,” Journal of Industrial Economics, December 2001, Vol. 49 (4), pp. 521-539.
20 K. Clay, R. Krishnan, E. Wolff and Danny Fernandes (2001), “Retail Strategies on the Web: Price and Non-Price Competition in the Online Book Industry”, Journal of Industrial Economics.
21 A. Geoffrion, R. Krishnan (2001), “Prospects for Operations Research in the E-Business Era”, Interfaces, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 6-36, March-April, 2001
22 R. Krishnan, X. Li, D. Steier, Leon Zhao (2001),"On Heterogeneous Database Retrieval: A Cognitively-guided Approach," Information Systems Research, Vol. 12, No. 3., pp. 286-303.
23 H. Bhargava, V. Choudhary, R. Krishnan (2000), “Pricing and Product Design: Intermediary Strategies in an Electronic Market”, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 37-56.
24 S. Dutta-Chowdhary, G. Duncan, R. Krishnan, S. Roehrig, S. Mukherjee (2000), "Disclosure Detection in Multivariate Categorical Databases: An Optimization Approach," Management Science, Vol. 45, No. 12, pp. 1710-172.
25 A. Arora, G. Cooper, R. Krishnan, R. Padman (2000), IBIZA: E-market Infrastructure for Custom-built Information Products, Information Systems Frontiers, Vo. 2, No. 1.
26 A. Bajaj, R. Krishnan (1999), “CMU-WEB: A Conceptual Model for Designing Usable Web Applications”, Journal of Database Management, Vol. 10, No. 4, December 1999.
27 Carrie Beam, Martin Bichler, R. Krishnan, A. Segev (1999), “On Negotiation and Dealmaking in electronic markets”, Information Systems Frontiers, Vol. 1, No. 3.
28 H. K. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, (1998), “The World Wide Web and its implications for OR/MS,” Feature Article, INFORMS Journal on Computing, ,10:4, Fall 1998. pp. 359-383.
29 H. K. Bhargava and R. Krishnan, ``OR/MS, Electronic Commerce, and the Virtual INFORMS Community,'' INFORMS Journal on Computing, 10:4, Fall 1998. pp. 396-398.
30 D. Kaplan, R. Krishnan, R. Padman, J. Peters (1998), "Accounting Information System Data Quality Assessment: A DSS Approach," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 72-78, 1998
31 O. Guenther, R. Muller, P. Schmidt, H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan (1997), “MMM: A WWW-based Method Management System for using Software Modules Remotely”, IEEE Internet Computing, Vol.1, No. 5, pp. 59-68.
32 H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, P. Piela (1998), "On Formal Semantics and Analysis of Typed Modeling Languages," INFORMS Journal on Computing, 10:2, Spring 1998. pp. 189-208.
33 H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, R. Mueller (1996), "Electronic Commerce in Decision Technologies: A Business Cycle Analysis," International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 1., No. 4, pp. 109-127, 1997.
34 H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, R. Mueller (1996), "Decision Support on Demand: On Emerging Electronic Markets for Decision Technologies," Decision Support Systems, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 193-214, 1997
35 G. Duncan, R. Krishnan, S. Mukherjee (1995), "On Inference Channel Detection in Multilevel Relational Databases: A Graph-Based Approach," Journal on Organizational Computing, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 123-138.
36 S. Raghunathan, R. Krishnan, J. May (1995), "Computer-Assisted Model Development: A Belief Maintenance Approach," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 287-303.
37 H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, A. Whinston (1995), "On Integrating Collaborative and Decision Analysis Technologies," Journal on Organizational Computing, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 297-316.
38 V. Gadh, R. Krishnan, J. Peters (1994), "Modeling Internal Controls and Their Evaluations," Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 113-129.
39 S. Raghunathan, R. Krishnan, J. May (1993), "MODFORM: A Knowledge-based Tool to Support the Modeling Process," Information Systems Research, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 331-358.
40 H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, S. Mukherjee (1993), "On the Integration of Data and Mathematical Modeling Languages," Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 38, pp. 69-95.
41 H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan (1993), "Computer-Aided Model Construction," Decision Support Systems, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 91-111.
42 S. Chari, R. Krishnan (1993), "Towards a Logical Reconstruction of Structured Modeling," Decision Support Systems, Vol. 10, pp. 301-317.
43 F. Glover, D. Klingman, R. Krishnan, R. Padman (1992), "An Indepth Empirical Investigation of Non-Greedy Approaches for the Minimum Spanning Tree Problem," European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 56, pp. 343-356.
44 R. Krishnan, X. Li, D. Steier (1992), "Development of a Knowledge-based Mathematical Model Formulation System," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 35, No. 9, pp.138-146.
45 R. Krishnan (1991), "PDM: A Knowledge-based Tool for Model Construction," Decision Support Systems, Vol. 7, pp. 301-314.
46 H. Bhargava, S. Kimbrough, R. Krishnan (1991), "Unique Names Violations: A Problem for Model Integration or You say Tomato, I say Tomahto," ORSA Journal on Computing, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 107-121.
47 R. Krishnan (1990), "A Logic Modeling Language for Model Construction," Decision Support Systems, Vol. 6, pp. 123-152.
48 R. Krishnan (1989), "Automated Model Construction: A Logic Based Approach," Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 21, pp. 195-226.
49 R. Krishnan, D. Kendrick (1989), "A Comparison of Structured Modeling and GAMS," Computer Science in Economics and Management, Vol. 2, pp. 17-36.
50 D. Klingman, N. Phillips, D. Steiger, R.Wirth, R. Padman, R. Krishnan (1988), "An Optimization Based Integrated Short-Term Refined Petroleum Product Planning System," Management Science, Vol. 33, No. 7, pp. 813-830.
51 R. Krishnan, D. Kendrick, R. Lee (1988), "A Knowledge-based System for Production and Distribution Economics," Computer Science in Economics and Management, Vol. 1, pp. 58-73.
52 R. Lee, R. Krishnan (1988), "Logic as an Integrated Modeling Framework," Computer Science in Economics and Management, Vol. 3, pp. 107-136.
Publications in Refereed Proceedings
1 R. Krishnan, K. Hosanagar, L. Ma, “Recommended For You: The Impact Of Profit Incentives On The Relevance Of Online Recommendations”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Dec 2008. 2 Vineet Kumar, Ramayya Krishnan, David Krackhardt, “Network Structure and Query Content in an Enterprise Forum,” Twentieth Workshop on Information Systems and Economics, Dec 2008. 3 David Krackhardt, Ramayya Krishnan, Vineet Kumar, “User generated contributions to enterprise‐wide forums,” Fourth Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research, 2008. 4 N. Sahoo and Ramayya Krishnan, "Socio temporal analysis of conversation themes in Blogs by tensor factorization.", Eighteenth Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS'08), 2008. 5 N. Sahoo, R. Krishnan "Formation of Citation and Reply ties over intra-organizational blog network" Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST'08), 2008. 6 N. Sahoo, R. Krishnan, J. Callan "Link formation over intra-organizational blog network." Fourth Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR'08), 2008. 7 Y. Kim and R. Krishnan, “Trajectory-based product positioning and customer segmentation”, International Symposium on Information Systems, 2007. 8 V. Kumar and R. Krishnan, “Employee Contributions to Enterprise-wise Forums”, International Symposium on Information Systems, 2007. 9 P. Chen, G. Kataria, R. Krishnan, “Optimal Allocation of Software Resources: A Risk Management Approach”, Workshop on Information Technology and Systems, 2007. 10 Bai X., R. Krishnan, R. Padman. 2007. Risk Management Models for Business Process Design, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS2007). 11 P. Chen, G. Kataria and R. Krishnan “An Economic Analysis of Strategic Interaction among Computer Security Attackers,” Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), Chicago, IL, 2006. 12 N. Sahoo, R. Krishnan, G. Duncan and J. Callan. ``Collaborative Filtering with Multi-component Rating for Recommender Systems.'' In Proceedings of the Sixteenth Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS'06). Milwaukee, WI 13 N. Sahoo, J. Callan, R. Krishnan, G. Duncan and R. Padman ``Incremental Hierarchical Clustering of Text Documents.'' In Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'06) ACM. Arlington, VA 14 Ramayya Krishnan and Kartik Hosanagar, "Challenges in Designing Grid Marketplaces", 3rd International Workshop on Grid Economics and Business Models, Singapore, May 2006 (Invited paper). 15 G. Kataria, G. Anand, R. Arrauho, R. Krishnan, A. Perrig (2006), “A Distributed Stealthy Coordination Mechanism for Work Synchronization”, SECURECOMM Workshop, 2006 16 Pei-Yu Chen, Gaurav Kataria, Ramayya Krishnan, "Software Diversity for Information Security", 4h Workshop on Economics and Information Security, Boston, 2005. 17 Ashish Arora, R Krishnan, R Telang, Y Yang (2005), “An Empirical Analysis of Vendor Response to Vulnerability Disclosure”, 4h Workshop on Economics and Information Security, Boston. 18 K. Hosanagar, R. Krishnan, J. Chuang, M. Smith, “Optimal Pricing of Content Delivery Network (CDN) Services”, Proceedings of the 37th Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-37), January 5-8, 2004, Big Island, Hawaii, USA. 19 A Asvanund, D Nagin, R Krishnan and R Telang (2004), “Consumption Patterns and Optimal Tariffs: An Empirical Analysis of Cellular Voice and Data Services”, Austin Roundtable Mobility Conference, Austin, TX. (March). 20 C. Boyens, R. Krishnan, R. Padman (2004) “On Privacy-Preserving Access to Distributed Heterogenous Healthcare Information”, Proceedings of the 37th Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-37), January 5-8, 2004, Big Island, Hawaii, USA. 21 R. Krishnan, M. Smith, Z. Tang, R. Telang (2004), "Impact of Free-Riding on Peer to Peer Networks", Proceedings of the 37th Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-37), January 5-8, 2004, Big Island, Hawaii, USA. 22 A. Ghose, R. Telang, R. Krishnan (2003) "Do Secondary Electronic Markets Help of Hurt Suppliers?" International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seattle, December 2003. 23 A.Asvanund, K. Clay, R. Krishann, M. Smith, “An Empirical Analysis of Network Externalities in P2P Music-Sharing Networks”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Barcelona, December 2002 (Runner up Best Paper Award). 24 R. Krishnan, M. Smith, Z. Tang, R. Telang, “The Virtual Commons: Why Free Riding Can be tolerated in File Sharing Networks”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Barcelona, December 2002. 25 K. Hosanagar, R. Krishnan, J. Chuang, V. Chowdhary, “Pricing Vertically Differentiated Web Caching Services,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Barcelona, December 2002. 26 K. Hosanagar, R. Krishnan, I. Karaesman, A. Montgomery, “Simulation/Optimization Based Design of Comparison Shopping Engines,” Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS), Barcelona, December 2002. 27 M. Christ, R. Krishnan, D. Nagin, O. Guenther, An Empirical Analysis of Web Site Stickiness. Proc. of the 10th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS-02), Gdansk, Poland, 2002. 28 M. Christ, R. Krishnan, D. Nagin, O. Guenther, Measuring Web Portal Utilization, Proc. 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS-35), Hilton Wailkoloa Village, Hawaii, USA. 2002. 29 Xiao Feng Wang, Kartik Hosanagar, Ramayya Krishnan, Pradeep K. Khosla, “Equilibrium reputation mechanism for mobile agent based electronic commerce”, AAMAS, pp. 308-309, 2002. 30 J. Chuang, K. Hosangar, R. Krishnan, "Pricing Caching Services with Multiple Levels of QoS", Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS), New Orleans, December 2001. 31 K. Hosanagar, J. Chuang, R. Krishnan "Pricing and Resource Allocation in Caching Services with Multiple Levels of QoS", Proceedings of the Workshop on Digitization of Commerce, Maastricht, Netherlands, November 2001. 32 "Pricing Caching Services with Multiple Levels of QoS", Chuang, J., Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Web Caching, Tucson, Arizona, 2001.
33. Atip Asvanund, Karen Clay, Ramayya Krishnan, Michael Smith, "Preliminary Analysis of Network Externalities on P2P Music Sharing Networks," The 29th Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy, October 27-29, 2001, Alexandria, Virginia. 34 Xiaofeng Wang, Ramayya Krishnan, Pradeep Khosla , “Optimizing security mechanism for electronic commerce,” Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Deception, Fraud and Trust in Agent Societies, 2001, Montreal, forthcoming. 35 D. Fernandes, W. Gorr, R. Krishnan, “Service-Net: One stop Services for E-Government,” Proceedings of the AMCIS, 2001. (Winner of the Best Paper Award) 36 Christ, M., Krishnan, R., Nagin, D., Kraut, R., Günther, O. "Trajectories of individual WWW usage: implications for electronic commerce". Proceedings of 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Science, 2001. 37 Christ, M., Krishnan, R., Nagin, D., Günther, O. "Trajectory of WWW usage", Proceedings of Mixtures 2001 - Recent Developments in Mixture Modelling. 2001, forthcoming. 38 A. Arora, V. Chowdhury, K. Kannan, R. Krishnan, R. Padman, “On Analyzing Interactions in a Software Agent Marketplace”, Proceedings of WITS, 2001.(Winner of the Best Paper Award). 39 D. Fernandes, R. Krishnan, U. Rajan, “Software Agent-based Negotiation of Privacy Agreements using P3P”, Proceedings of WITS, 2001. 40 Ramayya Krishnan, Rema Padman, Uday Rajan, Danny Fernandes (2000), “Managing Online Informational Privacy: The design and evaluation of a P3P test bed”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Bled, 2000. 41 Atip Asavanund, Hemant Bhargava, Ramayya Krishnan, “On Brokering Information Services”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Bled, 2000. 42 K. Clay, R. Krishnan, E. Wolff, “Pricing Strategies on the Web”, 2nd ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2000. 43 K. Clay, R. Krishnan, D. Fernandes, B. Chen, Y. Yang, “Online Book Seller Strategies: An Empirical analysis”, forthcoming, International Conference on Telecommunications and Electronic Commerce, 1999. 44 H.K. Bhargava, V. Choudhary, R. Krishnan, and K.B. Lee, ``Analysis of an Intermediary's Strategies in Electronic Markets for Decision Technologies,'' forthcoming, International Conference on Information Systems, 1999 45 R. Chandrasekharan, V. Jacob, R. Krishnan, Y. Ryu, “Filtering Objectionable Internet Content”, forthcoming, International Conference on Information Systems, 1999. 46. A. Asvanund, H. K. Bhargava, D. Fernandes, R. Krishnan and R. Padman, ``Brokering Decision Support Resources for Supply Chain Management,'' Workshop on Agents for Electronic Commerce and Managing the Internet-Enabled Supply Chain, Seattle, Washington, May 1, 1999 47. A. Bajaj, R. Krishnan, Evaluation of Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis & Design Analyzing Models for Current World Wide Web Applications Using a Classification Space and Usability Metrics (EMMSAD) held in conjunction with CAiSE, 1998, Pisa, Italy, June. 48 A. Asavanund, D. Fernandes R. Krishnan, R. Padman, “On Intelligent Brokering of Web-based Computational Services,” forthcoming in the 3rd INFORMS CIST (Conference on Information Systems and Technology), 1998. 49 H. Bhargava, S. Kimbrough, R. Krishnan, “On Planning to Plan: Metaplanning Concepts in the Context of Management Science Modeling,”, forthcoming in the 3rd INFORMS CIST (Conference on Information Systems and Technology), 1998. 50 R. Krishnan, R. Padman, On using Web technologies to architect DSS: The Case of Support Requirements Planning, Proceedings of the ISDSS Conference, pp. 257-280. 51 H.K. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, S. Roehrig, M. Casey, D. Kaplan, R. Muller (1997) "Model Management in Electronic Markets for Decision technologies: A Software Agent Approach," Proceedings of Thirtieth Hawaii International Conference on the System Sciences (Winner of the Best Paper award in the Advanced Technology track). 52 G. Duncan, R. Krishnan, R. Padman, P. Reuther, S. Roehrig (1997), "Cell Suppression to Limit Content-based Disclosure," Proceedings of Thirtieth Hawaii International Conference on the System Sciences 53 D. Kaplan, R. Krishnan, R. Padman, J.Peters (1996) "A DSS Approach to Information System Reliability Assessment," Proceedings of the INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology, pp. 290-293. 54 H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, R. Mueller (1995), "On Parametrized Transaction Models for Agents in Electronic Markets for Decision Technologies," Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Technology and Systems, pp. 218­227 (Winner of the Best paper Award at WITS'95). 55 S. Dutta-Chowdhary, G. Duncan, R. Krishnan, S. Roehrig, S. Mukherjee (1995), "Matrix and LP Algorithms for Disclosure Detection in Multivariate Categorical Databases," Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Technology and Systems, pp. 208-217. 56 H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, D. Kaplan (1995), "On Generalized Access to a WWW-based Network of DSS Services," Proceedings of the 3rd ISDSS Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 507-517. 57 R. Krishnan, R. Mueller, P. Schmidt (1995), "Accessing "Computable" Information on the WWW: The MMM Project," Proceedings of the 3rd ISDSS Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 137-146. 58 H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, P. Piela (1994), "Formalizing the semantics of ASCEND," Proceedings of the Twenty Eighth HICSS Conference on the System Sciences, pp. 505-515, IEEE Press. 59 S. Mukherjee, R. Krishnan, G. Duncan (1992), "Inference Channel Detection under Uncertainty," Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Information Technology and Systems, pp.198-205. 60 H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan (1991), "Reasoning with Assumptions, Defeasibly, in Model Formulation," Twenty fifth Hawaii International Conference on the System Sciences, IEEE Press. 61 H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan (1990), "A Formal Approach for Model Formulation in a Model Management System," Twenty third Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE Press. 62 S. Chari, R. Krishnan (1990), "Toward a Logical Reconstruction of Structured Modeling," Twenty third Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE Press. 63 R. Krishnan (1989), "PDM: A Knowledge-based Tool for Model Construction," Twenty Second Hawaii International Conference on the System Sciences, IEEE Press.64 R. Krishnan (1988), "PM: A Logic Modeling Language for Production, Distribution and Inventory Planning," Twenty-first Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE Press. 65 R. Krishnan, R. Lee, G. Widemeyer (1987), "Portfolio Problems in Prolog," Twentieth Hawaii International Conference on SystemSciences, IEEE Press.
66 R. Krishnan, R (1986), "EAS: A Model Based System for Economic Analysis," Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute (Southwest), pp. 21-23
Other Refereed Publications
1. R. Krishnan (1993), "Model Management: Survey, Future Research Directions, and a Bibliography," ORSA CSTS Newsletter, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 1-23.
Papers under Review/Preparation
1 P. Chen, G. Kataria, R. Krishnan, “Correlated Failures and Software Diversification”, under preparation, MIS Quarterly
2 Y. Kim, R. Krishnan, L. Argote, “On Learning Curves of Knowledge Workers in a IT Call Center”, under review, Information Systems Research.
3 N. Sahoo, R. Krishnan, G. Duncan, J. Callan, “On Multi-component Rating Systems and Collaborative Filtering for Recommendation Systems: The case of Yahoo! Movies”, under review, Information Systems Research.
4 Y. Kim, R. Krishnan, W. Vogt, On Product-level Uncertainty and Online Purchase Behavior: An Empirical Analysis, under review, Management Science.
Work in Progress
P. Chen, Gaurav Kataria and R. Krishnan, Software Diversity Approaches to Information Security
V. Kumar, D. Krackhardt, R. Krishnan, Online Forums and Social Networks
R. Krishnan, D. Fernandes, U. Rajan, “P3P, Privacy Contracts and Agent Negotiation”
X. Bai, R. Krishnan, R. Padman, Risk Management-based Business Process Dxesign
Y. Kim, R. Krishnan, Analysis of Product Uncertainty in E-retail environments
N. Sahoo, J. Callan and R. Krishnan, Tensor Analysis of Blog Data
Liye Ma and R. Krishnan, Social Influence vs. Effects of Homophily in Social Networks
Vineet Kumar, Baohong Sun and Ramayya Krishnan, Structural Models of Social Influence

Research Reports
D. Kendrick, R. Krishnan, S. Carl-Mitchell (1984), "Interfaces between Database and Modeling Systems," Research Report, 84-10-2, The Institute for Constructive Capitalism, The University of Texas at Austin.
D. Kendrick, R. Krishnan, J. Walton (1984), "The Location of the Biotechnology Industry in the United States," Research Report, 84-10-1, The Institute for Constructive Capitalism, The University of Texas at Austin.
X. Li, R. Krishnan, D. Steier, "MFS: A Study of Model Formulation in SOAR," DSRI Working Paper No. 5-91, The Heinz School, Carnegie Mellon University.
R. Krishnan, P. Piela, A. Westerberg, "On Supporting Reuse in Modeling Environments," DSRI Working Paper No. 7-91, The Heinz School, Carnegie Mellon University.
R. Krishnan, R. Muller, P. Piela, "Data and Algorithm Modeling in ASCEND with Examples from Project Scheduling," DSRI Working Paper No. 93-40, The Heinz School, Carnegie Mellon University.
Doctoral Student Advising
Principal Advisor/Co-advisor
Vineet Kumar Liye Ma Bin Zhang Gaurav Kataria (Booz Allen Hamilton) Nachiketa Sahoo Yong Soo Kim (Korea University) Xue Bai (Co-Chair) Karthik Kannan (Graduated, 2003; Purdue University) Kartik Hosanagar (Graduated 2003; Wharton School) Atip Asavanund (Graduated 2004) Danny Fernandes Xiaofeng Wang (Graduated 2004; Indiana University) Xiaoping Li, graduated 1995; IBM David Kaplan , graduated 1999
Sumit Dutta Chowdhary, graduated, 1997, Ernst and Young
Committee Member
Sumitra Mukherjee, graduated 1994
Mark Thomas (EDRC), graduated 1996
Januscz Sczypula, graduated 1996
Andreas Olligschlaeger Zhiang Lin, graduated 1994
Young Hee Lee, graduated 1990
External Committee Member
S. Raghunathan, University of Pittsburgh, graduated June 1990
Hemant Bhargava, University of Pennsylvania, graduated May 1990
Michael Beiber, University of Pennsylvania, graduated June 1990
Scott Moore, University of Pennsylvania, graduated Oct 1993
Invited Presentations at Universities
R. Krishnan “On Software Diversification, Correlated failures and Risk Management,” invited talk at NYU Stern School of Business, New York, NY, Nov 2006.
R. Krishnan “On Software Diversification, Correlated failures and Risk Management,” invited talk at Socio-Technical Infrastructure for Electronic Transactions Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, Oct 2006.
R. Krishnan and G. Kataria “An Approach for Characterizing IT Risks,” seminar presentation at SAFE Center, CyLab, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, Sep 2006.
R. Krishnan “On Software Diversification, Correlated failures and Risk Management,” invited talk at School of Business and Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, June 2006.
R. Krishnan “On Software Diversification, Correlated failures and Risk Management,” invited talk at Chinese Academy of Science, Automation Research Institute, Beijing, China, June 2006.
R. Krishnan, “Privacy and Conidentiality in E-Government”. Shanghai-Jiatong University, June 2006
R. Krishnan “On Software Diversification, Correlated failures and Risk Management,” invited talk at School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University, Singapore, June 2006.
R. Krishnan and G. Kataria “Cyber-Security: Implications of Two-Step Risk Arrival Process,” seminar presentation at IT Policy Research Group, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2006.
R. Krishnan “On Software Vulnerabilities, Correlated failures and Risk Management,” CyLab Research Meeting, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, Feb 2006.
“Peer to Peer Networks: Design and Analysis”, Oklahoma State University, 2005 “Peer to Peer Networks: Design and Analysis”, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004 “Peer to Peer Networks: Design and Analysis”, University of Texas at Austin, 2004 “Peer to Peer Networks: Design and Analysis”, University of Texas at Dallas, 2004 “Peer to Peer Networks: Design and Analysis”, Claremont Graduate School, Magid Igabria Lecture, 2004
“Peer to Peer Networks: Design and Analysis”, Invited lecture, Humboldt University, Summer 2003
“Intelligent community formation in P2P networks”, Invited lecture, University of Arizona, Spring 2003
“Designing smarter shopbots”, Invited lecture at Purdue University, Oct 2002
“Designing smarter shopbots”, Invited lecture at Ohio State University, Jan 2002
“Designing smarter shopbots”, Invited lecture at New York University, Nov 2001
“Designing smarter shopbots”, Invited lecture at the University of Southern California, May 2001
“Electronic Commerce: A Tutorial,” Invited lecture, Autumn School on Distributed Information Systems, Free University, Berlin, Germany, October, 1998.
“Electronic Commerce in Information Services”, Vienna University for Business and Economics, Vienna, Austria, October, 1998.
"On the Creation and Information Network-based Dissemination of Decision Support Systems," Army Research Office, February, 1996.
"Electronic Markets for Decision Technologies," MIS Department, Emory University, February, 1996.
"Electronic Markets for Decision Technologies," School of Management, University of New Mexico, February, 1996.
"Electronic Markets for Decision Technologies," MIS Department, Arizona State University, February, 1996.
"Electronic Markets for Decision Technologies," MIS Department, University of Arizona, February, 1996.
"Electronic Markets for Decision Technologies," School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas, October, 1995.
"Electronic Markets for Decision Technologies," MSIS Department, University of Texas at Austin, October, 1995.
"Electronic Markets for Decision Technologies," Information Networking Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, October 1995.
"Decision Support Systems and the World Wide Web," Institute for Information Systems, Humboldt University, Germany, June 1995.
"Formal Analysis and Design of Electronic Brokers," Institute for Information Systems, Humboldt University, Germany, June 1995
"On Web-based Markets for Computational Objects," Information Networking Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, March 1995.
"Systems Analysis and Design: A Principled Approach to Theory Building," International Conference on Information Systems, Orlando, Florida, December, 1993.
"A Tutorial Introduction to Model Management," Conference on Information
Technology and Environmental Policy at the University of Ulm, Germany, April, 1993
"On Model Reuse," Information Systems Department of the Business School at Erasmus University, The Netherlands, March, 1993.
"On Multiple Problem Representations, Embedded Languages, and Model Management," ISDSS meeting held at Ulm, Germany, June 1992.
"MFS: A Study of Model Formulation in SOAR," Syracuse University, October 1991. "Introduction to ASCEND: An Object-based Model Management System," Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing (FAW), Germany, September 1991.
"On Supporting Reuse in Modeling Environments," NATO Advanced Study Institute, Italy, June 1991.
"Computer Assisted Model Development: A Belief Maintenance Approach," Georgia State University, May 1991.
"Computer Assisted Model Development: A Belief Maintenance Approach," Ohio State University, March 1991.
"Computer Assisted Model Development: A Belief Maintenance Approach," Northwestern University, March 1991.
"Unique Name Violations: Implications for Model Management," INSEAD, France, June 1990.
"Intelligent Modeling Environments," London School of Economics/Brunel University, April 1990.
"Tabu Search: An Introduction and Applications," Conference on Management and Management Science in honor of W.W. Cooper at the Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, October 1989.
"Formal Approaches to Automated Model Construction," MIS Department, University of Arizona, April 1989.
"Formal Approaches to Automated Model Construction," Decision Sciences Department, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, February 1989.
"PM*: A Logic Modeling Language for Model Construction," University of California at Berkeley, December 1988.
"PM*: A Logic Modeling Language for Model Construction," Decision Sciences Department, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, November 1988.
"Logic Modeling Approaches to Intelligent Model Construction," Round Table Discussion on Intelligent Mathematical Programming Systems at the University of Colorado, Denver, October 1988.
"A Logic-based Approach to Model Construction," University of Pittsburgh, April 1988
"A Logic-based Approach to Model Construction," Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Mellon University, February 1988.
"Knowledge based Aids for Model Formulation," University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, June 1987.

Conference Participation (not including those listed in refereed conference proceedings)
H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, R. Mueller “Brokering Access to Computation Services: The DecisionNet Project,” INFORMS Conference, May, 1997.
H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, R. Mueller, “Electronic Markets for Computational Services,” INFORMS Conference, October, 1997.
R. Krishnan, "The DecisionNet Project," US Army AI Center Proponency Conference, June, 1996.
H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, "The DecisionNet Project," INFORMS Conference, May, 1996.
R. Krishnan, "The DecisionNet Project," the Army Research Office Coneference, february 1996.
H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, R. Mueller, "On Parameterized Transaction Models for Agents in Electronic Markets for Decision Technologies," WITS, December, 1995.
W. Branley, R. Krishnan, R. Padman, "Support Requirements Planning in the US Army," INFORMS Conference, October, 1995.
H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, R. Mueller, "On Web-based Markets for Computational Objects," INFORMS International Conference, June 1995.
H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, R. Mueller, "On Web-based Markets for Computational Objects," INFORMS meeting, April 1995.
H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, A. Whinston, "On the Integration of Collaboration and Decision Analysis Technologies," ORSA/TIMS meeting, October 1994.
R. Krishnan, P. Piela, R. Muller, "Data and Algorithm Modeling in Ascend," TIMS International Conference, June 1994.
X. Li, R. Krishnan, D. Steier, "Knowledge Reuse in the Context of Model Formulation," ORSA/TIMS Conference, October 1993.
H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, W. Muhanna, "On Interconnection Languages in Modeling Environments," ORSA/TIMS Conference, October 1993.
H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, W. Muhanna, "A Type System for Integrated Modeling Environments," ORSA/TIMS Conference, October 1993.
R. Krishnan, P. Piela, "On Information Modeling Languages," IFORS, Lisbon, July 1993.
H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, "On Reasoning with Assumptions in Model Formulation," ORSA/TIMS Conference, Chicago, May 1993.
H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, "Defeasible Reasoning and Model Formulation," ORSA/TIMS Conference, October 1992.
R. Krishnan, P. Piela, "Introduction to Object-based Information Modeling Languages," SIAM conference, May 1992.
R. Krishnan, P. Piela, A. Westerberg, "Operator Assisted Model Integration," ORSA/TIMS Conference, November 1991.
X. Li, R. Krishnan, D. Steier, "Model Formulation in SOAR," ORSA/TIMS Conference, May 1991.
H. Bhargava, R.Krishnan, S. Kimbrough, "Unique Name Violations: A Problem for Model Integration," ORSA/TIMS Conference, May 1990.
C. Jones, R. Krishnan, "A Visual Syntax Directed Environment for Automated Model Development," ORSA/TIMS Conference, May 1990.
H. Bhargava, R. Krishnan, S. Mukherjee, "On Conceptual Modeling Languages for DSS," ORSA/TIMS Conference, May 1990.
R. Krishnan, S. Mukherjee, "On Conceptual Modeling Languages for DSS," ORSA/TIMS Conference, October 1989.
S.J. Sheng, R. Krishnan, "An Application of AI to Material Handling Control in FMS," ORSA/TIMS Conference, October 1989.
R. Krishnan, "Integrating Data and Mathematical Modeling: Approaches to Conceptual Modeling in DSS," ORSA/TIMS Conference, May 1989.
R. Krishnan, "Logic Modeling and Model Construction," ORSA/TIMS Conference, October 1988.
R. Krishnan, R. Meservy, V. Gadh, "AL: A Logic Modeling Language for Accounting Systems," ORSA/TIMS Conference, October 1988.
R. Krishnan, "A Logic-based Approach to Model Construction," ORSA/TIMS Conference, April 1988.
R. Krishnan, "Knowledge Based Formulation of Mathematical Models," ORSA/TIMS Conference, October 1987.
R. Ahmadi, R. Krishnan, S. Mukherjee, "Domain Specific Model Synthesis," ORSA/TIMS Conference, October 1986.
R. Padman, N. Phillips, D. Klingman, R. Krishnan, "An Intelligent DSS for Operational Planning in the Petroleum Industry," ORSA/TIMS Conference, October 1986.
R. Krishnan, "Knowledge Based Aids for Model Formulation," Conference on Structured Modeling, August 1986.
D. Klingman, N. Phillips, R. Padman, R. Krishnan, "A Network Model for Supply, Distribution and Marketing Planning in the Petroleum Industry," ORSA/TIMS Conference, May 1986.
D. Klingman, N. Phillips, R. Padman, R. Krishnan, "An Optimization Based Short Term Refined Petroleum Product Planning System," Third SIAM conference on Discrete Mathematics, May 1986.
R. Krishnan, D. Kendrick, "EPS: An Integrated Economic Planning System," ORSA/TIMS Conference, November 1985.
Y. Fan, S. Sarkar, R. Krishnan, L. Lasdon, "Experiments with SQP algorithms," 12th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, August 1985.

Professional Organizations Memberships
Omega Rho honor Society
Phi Kappa Phi honor society
Association for Computing Machinery
Association of Information Systems
Personal Information
Citizenship: United States

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