
Informing the Latino Community Online on Issues Impacting Your Life

July 20, 2009

Congressional Hispanic Staff Association

CHSA members and Cecilia Muñoz (Centered in red dress)

Hola DC Latino/as,

This past week I had a chance to attend one of the Congressional Hispanic Staff Association’s (CHSA) trailblazer events on the Hill, guest-speaker: Cecilia Muñoz, the White House’s Director of Intergovernmental Affairs. CHSA is an official, nonpartisan Congressional organization that is dedicated to advancing the interests of all its members and the Hispanic community at large.

Membership includes Congressional Staffers in the U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives and the Library of Congress. With more than 270 active members, our goals for this 2009 include enhancing communication, transparency and professional development resources for all of our members. Upon payment of dues, Congressional Staffers, Interns and/or Fellows will be considered an active general member for one year from the date of payment received.While our facebook group is open to everyone, only active (paid) CHSA members will be invited to participate in all upcoming events, receive our weekly job posts and e-mail updates.

Moreover, CHSA is a great place to network for Latino/a aspirants looking for opportunities to work on the Hill. If you are interested in knowing more about this organization and its officers, you should join its Facebook group at,


Hope you found this post helpful if you are latino/a and live in DC.

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