
Informing the Latino Community Online on Issues Impacting Your Life

August 04, 2009

Online Cost: Mind-Boggling!

You know, after blogging on the road this week in La Gran Manzana, we realized how difficult it is to do so unless you have the proper tech gadgets. Like good broadband, access to the web, powerful devices (Mobile, BB, Iphone or a laptop). Plus, it is hard to find free Wi-Fi on the Highways; you can find some by entering a Starbucks or types like that, but many of them require you to register and sign up for a fee-based service like AT&T. Thankfully we used something called Wifi.com- http://www.wifi.com/how_why.html, which allows you to find free hotspots anywhere in America, and easily share these with your network of friends.

So based on this experience, we decided to start researching this topic; we call it the “Mi Gente: The Digital Gap!” because it exist, big time! We’ll be posting our findings as we progress in our research. In the meantime, check out this great post by BBGeek’s blog, on how much truly having a Blackberry can cost you. After having read this, it is mind-boggling to me to know how much having a BB can cost— Crazy! I couldn’t afford one right now, unless you’d like to donate one to us? J Anyway, check it out:

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