
Informing the Latino Community Online on Issues Impacting Your Life

August 17, 2009

Public Option At Peril

It seems like the administration may yield to the pressures and lies flooding the public sphere by the powerful especial interest groups opposing the public option.

Based on the following New York Time’s piece published yesterday, The Public Option’ in Health Plan May be Dropped, the public option is at peril of being dropped, or substituted by another type, dub as “The Co op” in order to get support from the GOP and fiscal conservative democrats.

As you may know, health disparities exist immensely in America despite we spend the most within the developed world: disproportionately minorities are hit the hardest. A public option would significantly alleviate the lack of quality healthcare coverage for many of us. Thus, something equivalent to that extent must be passed in order to fix this injustice. However, the especial interest groups want to keep people in this mundane and immoral situation based on the status quo.

What is troublesome is that the fear mongering among the population is vigorous and poisonous coming from those protecting major special interest groups (HMOs and pharmaceutical companies). Rumors out there say the Administration has worked out a deal with the latter opposition(Pharmaceutical) to support healthcare reform, but we still don’t know what was negotiated. We will find out eventually sooner than later once the pharmaceutical-sponsored ads start hitting the air waves through their ad hoc made up nonprofits.

Traditional groups fighting vigorously for real reform, that is including a public option, are those from the labor sector and civil right groups whom represent the working class. But the fight is hard! We all heard from day one that the opposition will vow to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to thwart any reform against their interests— it seems like they are succeeding.

In any power struggle fight such as the one taking place today in America, shows that the status quo will never render any bit of power. It makes one wonder today, where is the voice of millions of Americans whom are uninsured or underinsured?? Their voice is being drowned by fear mongers who are about to hand down a reform that does not stand up on American principles and quality healthcare for ALL. Speak UP!

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