
Informing the Latino Community Online on Issues Impacting Your Life

August 31, 2009

Twitter Success: What Is It??

Hay Dios Mio! So what’s the key to being a successful Twitter? According to Kutcher, it may be:

How you move the fish?

How you work the tool?

Is it about ALL CAPS?

Is it about “…”?

Is it connecting with people, real people?

So what is it?? What works for you??

More important, do you know what's gonna be after Twitter? I think it's going to be virtual with no hands on...

Courtesy of Lopez Tonight.com

August 26, 2009

A Heroe Has Departed Us

Senator Ted Kennedy, died at age 77, after a long fight with brain cancer. The senator had been in his home state over a year, after being diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor in May 2008.

Bigger than life, He is the last of the three giant musketeers of the Kennedy political dynasty to depart us. "Teddy" as known by his colleagues, friends, and the media was probably one of the most influential American liberal politicians to define the American political spectrum in the second half of the 20th century.

A champion of the voiceless, minorities, and the working class— Senator Kennedy was a friend and a Champion of the Latino community. Many within the political Latino leadership mourn his death today; as if he was another one of us.

Adiós Senador y Que Dios lo Recompense Por Todo Lo Que Hizo.

August 25, 2009

Ben Bernanke Keeps His Job

Although I heard from las malas lenguas that he's going to get lots of heat over his confirmation process, in the end he'll still get confirmed. I mean, this Chairman never thought in his wildest dreams he was going to have to preside over the worst economic mess in this country since the great depression.

Well... I'm glad to see at least one person gets to keep his job in America.

August 24, 2009

The Age of Stupid - trailer

This film will be in U.S. theaters in September. Do you think climate change is a reality, or do you think it is simply being blown out of proportion by environmentalists?

How do you call it: Climate Change or Global Warming?

BlogTalkRadio Share Show Widget

August 22, 2009

August 21, 2009

No más dinero por su carcacha

Well as you heard, you can't turn in your "Carcacha"(Piece of Junk) after next Monday night. So hurry up and get your Carcacha to a dealership before you are stuck with it. These kinds of bargains don’t come around often so act fast.

To see how much it is worth it under the Cash for Clunkers program, learn more about it by visiting the official site: http://www.cars.gov/

Courtesy of HITNT Television

August 19, 2009

Dominican Woman to Challenge NY Mayor Bloomberg

I just read that a young Dominican girl is going to Challenge billionaire Bloomberg for the NYC Mayor's seat.

I say go get him!

A Tough Dominican Woman is Challenging NY Mayor Bloomberg

Lining Up For Free Healthcare

Courtesy of Tavis Smiley Show via PBS
Lining Up for Free Healthcare
by Tamika Thompson

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August 17, 2009

Latino or Hispanic - A Note on Terminology

Marid Gonzalez
Bilingual Market Consultant

Last year, I wrote a paper on the meaning of each term according to the people being categorized. Aside from the literature review, I interviewed eight self-identified Latinos or Hispanics and this were my findings.

There is no current agreement on which of the two official terms “Latino” or “Hispanic” is more accurate. Researchers (Oboler, 1995; Davila, 2001) indicate that either label “Hispanic” and “Latino” lump together and inaccurately define a group of people that span several generations, nationalities, and socioeconomics and that “both terms are equally guilty of erasing differences while encompassing highly heterogeneous populations” (Davila, 2001). For purposes of inclusion and based on the differences in meaning of each label among the people being categorized, I have chosen to use both labels and place them in that order for easy reading but the order is not to be read as a preference.

Since its inception by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget in 1977, the term Hispanic has been both controversial and accepted by different circles to categorize people with ancestry in Spain and Spanish-speaking countries of the Western hemisphere. Some argue that choosing one label over the other is a matter of assimilation while others choose a label to state pride of having developed an agreeable ethnic identity. Several authors (Martin, 2005; Acuña, 2000; Gonzales, 1999; Rodriguez, 2007) acknowledge the political implications behind the choice of a specific label. Martin (2005) in particular proposes to analyze the term Latino in the context of “reinterpretation” of an existing name that has sprung from political movements dating back to the 1960’s (p. 397). Other researchers (Korzenny & Korzenny, 2005; Rodriguez, 2007; Davila, 2001) recognize a different and significant dynamic - the capitalizing of the consumer power through the use of the label Hispanic which is representative of a common linguistic indicator.

The term Hispanic is inaccurate because it is not perceived by the receivers as representative of their “broader culture” and because it implies that “all” Latino/Hispanic speak Spanish. The term Hispanic does however speak of the Spanish colonization from which the Spanish language was instituted. Yet, not all people who live in Latin America speak Spanish. However, the term Hispanic is seen as convenient through the use of census data to make the case for the allocation of funds that support language-based social service programs and for marketers and advertisers to sell Spanish media programs by arguing that if not all, the majority of Hispanics prefer to speak Spanish.

Individuals who are more aware of the labels’ socio-politics argue that neither the term Hispanic nor Latino applies to them because they want to distance themselves from the negative stereotypes more commonly attached to Mexican immigrants and people of Mexican descent who have dealt with a second colonization by historically being categorized as second-class group since the time their first-class citizenship rights were stripped off them in the nineteen century when the U.S. west border moved further south.

Californians in contrast to New Mexicans prefer using the term Latino(a) when given the choice between Latino(a) and Hispanic. For Californians, Latino is the new Chicano in that it evokes their indigenous roots, a shared history of struggle and the colonization of the people in Latin American countries. Latino as a term is self-appropriated; it comes from the people which might have been the legacy from the Chicano movement. It is not surprising that Latinos in California are more aware of the political connotation of the term Latino because "Chicano studies departments are at public universities in the Southwestern United States, particularly in California” (Wikipedia, Chicano studies, 1).

Notes from the Field- Making a Difference in the Latino Community

As I sat and listened to several Central Valley, CA, Latino teens tell me about their future ambitions and life dreams, I was struck by how determined to succeed these kids were. Despite living in communities threatened by drug and gang activity, low income and high unemployment levels, each was looking forward to graduating from high school, attending college and having a promising career.

Tu Salud, Check it out...

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Public Option At Peril

It seems like the administration may yield to the pressures and lies flooding the public sphere by the powerful especial interest groups opposing the public option.

Based on the following New York Time’s piece published yesterday, The Public Option’ in Health Plan May be Dropped, the public option is at peril of being dropped, or substituted by another type, dub as “The Co op” in order to get support from the GOP and fiscal conservative democrats.

As you may know, health disparities exist immensely in America despite we spend the most within the developed world: disproportionately minorities are hit the hardest. A public option would significantly alleviate the lack of quality healthcare coverage for many of us. Thus, something equivalent to that extent must be passed in order to fix this injustice. However, the especial interest groups want to keep people in this mundane and immoral situation based on the status quo.

What is troublesome is that the fear mongering among the population is vigorous and poisonous coming from those protecting major special interest groups (HMOs and pharmaceutical companies). Rumors out there say the Administration has worked out a deal with the latter opposition(Pharmaceutical) to support healthcare reform, but we still don’t know what was negotiated. We will find out eventually sooner than later once the pharmaceutical-sponsored ads start hitting the air waves through their ad hoc made up nonprofits.

Traditional groups fighting vigorously for real reform, that is including a public option, are those from the labor sector and civil right groups whom represent the working class. But the fight is hard! We all heard from day one that the opposition will vow to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to thwart any reform against their interests— it seems like they are succeeding.

In any power struggle fight such as the one taking place today in America, shows that the status quo will never render any bit of power. It makes one wonder today, where is the voice of millions of Americans whom are uninsured or underinsured?? Their voice is being drowned by fear mongers who are about to hand down a reform that does not stand up on American principles and quality healthcare for ALL. Speak UP!

Reaching Liberty

The following is an auto-biographical story I wrote a long time ago while taking my first writing class. Since is based on the inspiration The statue of Liberty gave me to migrate north, I thought it would be appropriate to post it now that the statue will reopen to the public this coming 4th of July for the first time since Sept 11th, 2001
Katty Avila.

I remember telling my mother “One day I’ll make it there and I’ll climb the very top of her crown” Her response to my little, almost ridiculous ambition was “Dream on dear, dream on.”

This was the night my mother and I watched the Statue of Liberty’s centennial anniversary, viewing it through our 13" black and white television. This TV set was the window to the outside world; I could feel the excitement of the celebration right then and there.

For my mother, as for many people back in my country, the celebration was just a very regular event, just another international broadcast in one of the local channels. It’s amazing what the air waves did to my imagination the night Lady Liberty turned 100. Watching the roller skaters (blades were not a hot item yet), fireworks, with not much color to them from my perspective. The whole spectacle made me think of how much the people involved in this event must have invested to make it look so organized.

I watched in astonishment.

Despite her discouragement I never stopped believing that one day I would actually make it. I could, however understand why my mother did not share the same vision that I had that night about coming to the US.

Like most of her relatives, my mother had a very special bond with her parents, who were born, lived and died in a remote, small town in Venezuela. For them to live somewhere else was inconceivable. Sometimes I got the feeling that they thought of me as a traitor for wanting to leave my country for another one.

Back then was not the United States but actually making to the top of the Statue of Liberty. I had a certain fixation for Lady Liberty.
To me, making it there was reaching the top of the world.

My mother and I lived in a low middle class society in Caracas. If you weren’t too demanding you could considered it comfortable. We made enough money to buy our essentials every week. Since public schools required students to wear uniforms, my mother never had to worry about keeping me in style every season. I did not have to deal with not being accepted or about looking better than my schoolmates. Although high school was a mix of different social classes, you could clearly recognize the high class kids. In under developed countries the children of the powerful will let you know how important they are to themselves.

Despite our economic circumstances, that idea of reaching the top of the world never left me alone. I had this vision that told me I was going to make it there no matter what.

Other than my mother, I never shared my little fantasy with anyone, it was something very personal and I felt way too selfish to share it with any of my friends. I felt they would never have understood what it truly meant to me, although sometimes I got the impression that for some of them it was also the unreachable goal.

North American pop music ruled the air waves and music videos were the new sensation. All of us looked up to those talented artists like Cindy Lauper, Madonna, Michael Jackson. For my friends, it was something more transitory. Thriller was a hit. I, along with all my friends would work on its choreography, wishing we were all part of that amazing production. Everyone returned to their own little world while I stayed submerged in my own fantasy, never mentioned it to anybody. I was afraid of somebody ruining my illusion or maybe I was afraid of being considered a lunatic.

Four years later, during school vacation, at the age of 16; I got my first summer job in a clothing factory where my mother worked. There I met a North American man who did not speak Spanish. I initiated a broken English conversation that he found to be quite amusing. To be honest, one of the reasons I started working there was because I knew my mother’s boss had an American son-in-law. I was so eager to exchange a few English words with him. I had never had any connection with an American citizen up to this point. I learned his wife was very sick. They needed somebody to help them with the care of their three daughters. Seeing my interest in the language and in the American culture they hired me as their nanny for a couple of months, the amount of time they were going to spend there.

By the end of those two months the girls and I had created a great bond. A few weeks before their trip back to the States they would constantly ask their parents to “please bring Katty with us”.

I found it inconceivable the first time they asked me if I would like to come to the United States. I was thinking ‘please don’t let me wake up’. My mother would not accept the idea of me her only child being so far away. I was unrelentingly persistent, me the one who never had left my mother’s side. My grandparents at the time said to her “Let her go, you’ll see, she won’t last that long out there on her own. She’ll be back before you know it”. They spoke from experience, as a small child every time we went to visit them up to the age of 11, I had a fear she was bringing me there to leave me and never come back. I would cling to her refusing to let her go. My poor grandparents must have thought I hated them.

My mom knew this time this was not going to be the case. She knew this was what I had carried inside for so long, and though it was not easy for her, she then realized she had to let go. The dream to go north had come true, and the first thing that went through my mind was ‘here I come Lady Liberty!’

A year and half later after living in Boston, I met an Au pair, another nanny from Denmark. Her parents, in one of their trips to the States asked her to bring a friend along to their next visit to New York City. I was the lucky one.

I had the opportunity to tour New York with a Danish tour guide, who explained the visited sights of the city in their own language, Danish. I was the only South American in the bus and I was driving all of them crazy. I would ask my friend to translate for me what the guide was explaining. The tour took us in a three day expedition through the Big Apple.

There were rumors of canceling the trip to Liberty Island for lack of time. Some of the tourists wanted to stay in the city for their last minute shopping, so the big debate started: “to go or not to go”, that was the question.

At this point I had not mentioned 'my greatest ambition', I didn’t want to be pushy, after all I had been invited to this trip. I was not paying for anything. Yet I had this great anxiety of screaming at these people what this meant to me. Sure I could go some other time, on my own, but the disappointment at that moment was devastating.

On our last day, Tuesday morning, my friend and I woke up to an early phone call in our hotel suite. My friend’s parents were calling to say we were going to Ellis island and to the Statue of Liberty. ‘Oh Say, Can You Seeee!” my mind was singing. I thought I would never make it there.

When we arrived at Battery park I immediately recognized the lane where I had seen Madonna take her famous walk by the water in the video “Papa Don’t Preach” it was not real. I was overwhelmed.

As we approached the Statue, I felt overpowered. I started thinking I could not deserve such a feeling; the realization of my deepest, most desired dream is taking place.

When we finally arrived at the island, the first thing I wanted to do was to run up to her head. I was not aware that a multitude of people were going through the same experience as I was. Thousands of people waiting in line to get to “the top of the world” stopped me.

There were all sorts of warning signs displayed at the base of the statue: “People that suffer from back pain, headaches, digestive problems and pregnant women should not go up”. This all seemed silly to me, but my friend did not think it was funny, she did not want to go up. I decided I would do it on my own.

After two hours and some claustrophobic anxieties later, I got to the crown of Lady Liberty.

My whole childhood came back to that moment in time. “Mom, I made it!” I wish she could have been there to see that moment happen. Even though the time was limited, I tried to live every second. I took as much as I could; I looked through every single window, and there I was. It was glorious!

The trip to Liberty island will live with me for the rest of my life.
I did not tell many of my friends about that silly fantasy, but I do enjoy telling them about how I reached the top of the world.

August 15, 2009

Juanes- No Creo en el Jamás (Live)

The Latino Blogosphere

I have found so many great Latino/a blogs out there and I’d like to share them all with you. However, it’s hard to keep up with so many of them since there are so many all over the place, it can be overwhelming and too much time taking for the regular navigator. Thus, I stumbled upon a great site which can capture all the Latin blogs out there, all interconnected at the reach of your fingertips with one single click— wouldn’t that be sweet? Where you can identify and comment the blogs you like and keep up with the Latin Blogosphere in real time. Well, I’m presenting you the Latino Blogosphere made up of a real community of Latino/as blogging on all sorts of topics of interest in the U.S. Latino community. Real Latino/as blogging their brains out about their experiences.

If you want your blog to be included in the Latino Blogosphere, please email me at latinosylatinasonlineblogera@gmail.com with your blog’s Feed-URL. You need to send your Latino blog feed URL to be able to include your blog and attract audience to your site. Remember; Only RSS 2.O feeds are acceptable. Unfortunately, that's the nature of this technology at this moment. If you have an Atom or other type of feed, you can easily burn your blog URL and select RSS, go to:


You can find the Latino Blogosphere site here:


A New Era!

LLOnline Blogera

August 13, 2009

Latino Blog Review

Pic by Zoebakes.com

I thought I use this time to point out some variety of content from the Latino blogs' perspective out there. Since I started blogging, back in January, I have found all kinds of blogs out there within the Latino blog sphere. Many are worth reading and others not so much (I hope you find ours, at least informative, I try my best to please you and always welcome feedback). Anyway, I thought I share some of them with you, and hope you find them interesting as well. Depending on your line of work, you may even find them useful. There is great variety for everyone to enjoy and choose. Click on the blog title to take you to their site:

Voto Latino: It’s a great blog run out of DC by talented young Latino/as. Their mission is to inform and motivate a new generation of Americans to engage into civic participation. They do this with technology, Latino celebrities, and the Latino youth themselves. The executive director, Maria Teresa Kumar, is a frequent commentator on MSNBC and CNN. She’s one of our blog followers too (But let’s just keep this between us). I recommend it.

The Unapologetic Mexican: It’s probably one of the best political Latino blogs out there known to many within the Latino-activist community. The blogger is a second generation “Xicano” descendant of a Chicano father and a white mother. His content is deep, cutting-edge, and creative. He touches on the reality the vulnerable and oppressed communities in this country. I strongly suggest you follow him if you are into social justice:

Chicanísima: Her name is Teresa Puente and she’s a journalist, writer, and educator blogging from the wind-city. Her content varies from Politics, Latina issues, and news. On her site, she states she founded, “Latina Voices- to promote opinion pieces, essays, and stories, by or about Latina women.” I highly recommend it to young Latinas if you want to explore deeper your voice.

Latino Sexuality: A Nuyorican Hottie blogging from the Bronx about Latino Sexuality. According to her profile, she’s a “Sex, positive feminist educator and Activist,” I like reading her posts once in a while, specially to stay in touch with the Latina view on sexuality.

Bronx Latino: It’s another talented Nuyorican from the Bronx and concentrating more on local (Bronx) issues. She also runs a radio station program, and is very active in her community. I give her props for her commitment to keeping her local community informed. I recommend it if you live in NYC.

Bilingual in the Boonies: A Cuban-American Mom blogging from the Wilderness in Tennessee. She’s funny blogger, trying to project humor and at the same time educate the white culture through her personal experiences about Latino culture. I recommend it, especially if you are a Mom.

Mambisesenaccion: It’s a Cuban-exiled living in Spain, an activist expressing his dissent toward the Castrista regimen (In Spanish). He lives in Spain and keeps up with what’s happening on the island. He must have connections inside. If you’re into Cuba, or are a Cuban-American living in Miami, you might like to follow this blog.

Vivir Latino: Focuses on a variety of issues facing the Latino community in this country, especially from the second to third generation Latino-view. It’s pretty much all over the Latino spectrum (Just like us). It is based out of NYC and run by entrepreneurial ladies; two of them are Mexican-American and a Nuyorican. It’s a good blog to check out for acculturated Latino/as in this country.

If you know of any other good Latino blogs out there, please share those with us so we can add them to our list and share with you. You can holler by leaving a comment below or emailing us at, latinosylatinasonlinebloera@gmail.com

August 12, 2009

El Club de Comerciantes

Here's some great work my friends at El Club de Comerciantes are doing to help entrepreneurial and small Latino businesses around the country. Check it out:


· Facebook Press Release: Facebook Expands its Social Platform across the Web Through General Availability of Facebook Connect
· http://www.facebook.com/press/releases.php?p=69602
· Facebook Releases Site in Spanish; German and French to Follow
· http://www.facebook.com/press/releases.php?p=69602#/press/releases.php?p=16446

· LinkedIn Launches New Tools to Boost HR Professionals’ Efficiency as Responses to Job Postings Double in Challenging Economy
· http://press.linkedin.com/linkedin-new-hr-tools
· LinkedIn Launches in Spanish
· http://press.linkedin.com/linkedin-launches-spanish


· Four Ways in Which Enterprises Are Using Twitter
· http://www.gartner.com/it/page.jsp?id=920813
· Social Networking Helps Small Online Webstore Beat Out Major Retailers To Win Coupon Contest
· http://www.pressreleasepoint.com/social-networking-helps-small-online-webstore-beat-out-major-retailers-win-coupon-contest


· Social Media Expert, Ford Saeks Providing Insights to Growing Your Business
· http://www.pressreleasepoint.com/social-media-expert-ford-saeks-providing-insights-growing-your-business
· YouTube Surpasses 100 Million U.S. Viewers for the First Time


US Latino biz basics

Chris Campos sells machines that count dollar bills and when He show his machines he always expect that his clients will have an international accent.

The contribution of immigrant-owned businesses to the total U.S. economy is not well understood by the public. Sadly, many people view immigration as a rising problem, but in reality the facts show us that immigrants have overcome this stereotype by successfully contributing to the United States’ Economy. According to Census 2000, immigrants constitute 12.5 percent of the total population of U.S. business owners. Immigrant-Owned Businesses represent 11.6 percent of all U.S. business income with the majority of immigrants descending from Mexico. The total income generated by immigrants is about $67 million dollars and will continue to rise in the future.

Immigrants are about 30 percent more likely to start a new business than non-immigrants. Immigrants are responsible for $67 million out of the $577 billion dollars the United States brings in annually..

About 34.2 percent of immigrants open new businesses monthly in California making the state the largest Immigrant-Owned Businesses contributor in the country. Contributing roughly $20 million of the $67 million dollars that immigrant-owned businesses rack up each year puts California at the top financially.
About 35,000 new businesses are open by Latino immigrants every month.

The United States has a large and dominant group of Mexican Immigrants contributing to the U.S. Economy. Mexican immigrants are responsible for about 4.8 percent of business-owners.

Hispanic Businesses has grown to become a major success in the United States. The United States desires more Hispanic business owners to continue their success and encourage other immigrants to open their own businesses. We have constructed some good reasons selling to Hispanic businesses can be successful. On average, Hispanics have an estimated buying power of $452 billion. Half of the disposable income of Latinos is being spent at independent Latino businesses. This allows the businesses to circulate money and continue to thrive as a company. Immigrants represent 12.5 of all business owners and Hispanic businesses are 8 percent of all businesses currently in the United States. In 2002, Hispanics owned 1.6 million of all U.S. businesses.

Immigrant business owners make noticeable contributions to the U.S. economy in several different industries. Immigrants also contribute to wholesale trade and retail trade in America as well. Immigrants contribute 15.9 percent to wholesale trade and 15.5 percent in retail trade which is a significantly large percent and is increasing yearly. Retail and wholesale trade accounted for 35.9 percent of Hispanic-owned business revenue. There are about 29,168 Hispanic-owned businesses that obtain receipts of one million dollars or more.

No one said it was easy to start their own business but El Club de Comerciantes wants to provide future Latino business owners with the tools to success. El Club de Comerciantes provides online training, leads and an interactive business directory that helps Latino business owners find reliable providers as well as learn topics such as English, technology and business management. El Club de Comerciantes engages with the fastest growing generation of professional buyers. El Club de Comerciantes provide the bridge that connects companies with the new America. El Club de Comerciantes also translate your company’s website into Spanish in order to build trust as well as promoting to a wider audience. Readers are able to find trust in El Club de Comerciantes because only advertises legit businesses.

However, even with all of this opportunity, many businesses and organizations do not know how to reach the Latino demographic and businesses. Latino businesses generally buy only from familiar relations and trusted sources. Small Latino businesses do not attend networking events and are aware of formal networking methods.

. El Club de Comerciantes is bridging the gap between Latino small businesses and
the whole supply chain in the United States. Today It’s advertisers get promotion not only on their events and web portal but also at blogs, Facebook, YouTube, and with Search Engine Optimization.

El Club de Comerciantes only advertise and endorse legit providers. As said by Suzanne Burge Taylor, CEO, Taylormade Media Group/Femaleadvertising.com, El Club de Comerciantes is “excellent in communicating the advantages of nurturing cultural strategic alliances in today's diverse world. For further details contact Hugo Hernandez at
crece@elclubdecomerciantes.comor visit our website: http://www.somoscomerciantes.com

Glenn Beck's Hate Speech, Brought To You By...

Shame on these sponsors for helping feed lies to the American public.

Obama Introduces Justice Sonia Sotomayor

Courtesy of MSNBC

A very proud day for All Americans.

August 11, 2009

Concert-For-Peace in Cuba: What's The Big Deal?

Pic from the Miami Herald

I read in the Miami Herald this weekend that the American government is OK (Not officially endorsing) Juanes throwing a Concert-For-Peace in Cuba. It seems Juanes’ goal is to gather enough support from other Latin artists to play in La Habana at the Plaza de la Revolución come September. The same thing was done last year in the first concert which took place in the border of Venezuela and Colombia amid diplomatic turbulence between the two countries. Although that concert was a huge success despite the political turbulence, this Habana concert is drawing a lot of criticism; particularly from the Cuban American exiled community in Miami, where many view it as a theatrical political stage which may favor the regimen Castrista.

As you may well know from watching or reading history, La Plaza de la Revolución is served as the scenario for many famous Castro’s anti-American speeches, and where the immense image of Ernesto “Che” Guevara stands tall. “Aquí no hay manipulación, aquí se trata de abrir puertas, de crear puentes a traves de la música. Juanes defended the idea on his Twitter account against critics.

So far Juanes has announced that Olga Tañon y Miguel Bose have confirmed to play in la Habana, and he hopes there will be many more to follow. In my opinion, I would imagine many in the U.S. Latino community would support Juanes’ effort to bring peace to the world through music, especially in Latin America. Do you think singing Odio por Amor in La Plaza de la Revolución is politics? We believe: Sí se Puede!

The Face of of Foreclosure in America

Pic from DSNews.com

We all know that this country is in the gutter, and the worst raw deal is endured by minorities in America(highest level of unemployment, highest foreclosure rate, and the list goes on...). For many of us it feels more like depression! But who gives a damn? Still, I feel we must share the following site created by the Florida Association of Realtors— they hope to put a face on the foreclosure crisis in America so at least the history books get it right! It is so frustrating when no one else in America is been able to fix this mess! Let people lose their homes; that’s been the answer! This is another reason why many are bailing out of town(Even the Paisanos) 'cause this is slowly but surely rotting! It makes one wonder whether good times would ever come back to America?? It’s an enigma we have yet to discover… I hope they do come back.

Healthcare Reform and Coverage

From Kaiser Health Newsletter via FB Latinos for Healthcare Reform

Aug 11, 2009

The health care needs of an estimated 6.8 million undocumented and uninsured immigrants "has become the third rail in the debate over health-care reform," The Chicago Tribune reports. Some health care advocates have proposed broadening the proposals before Congress to include this population, but "fierce opposition has kept the idea off the table."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has "emphasized that illegal immigrants would not be covered under the current proposals." And the Congressional Hispanic Caucus has called for coverage "only for 'legal, law-abiding' immigrants who pay their 'fair share' for health care."

But "immigration activists say it is 'immoral' for hospitals and doctors, as well as a nation, to deny health care to the seriously ill, no matter their legal status. But proponents of tougher Immigration enforcement -- and others fighting to contain runaway health-care costs -- fear that providing such services would only encourage more undocumented immigrants to cross the border" (Olivo, 8/11).

The Associated Press reports Latinos are the least likely among the major ethnic groups to have health insurance through work and are watching closely the reform legislation in Congress. "Experts say health disparities among ethnic groups are great, with one in three Hispanics and one in five African-Americans not having health insurance, compared with one in eight whites. And as the recession deepens, the gap is growing along with rising unemployment and cuts to work-sponsored insurance."

Meanwhile, the AP also notes that although the House bill "represents the most comprehensive effort to date to extend health care to all Americans," illegal immigrants would be excluded. And "absent immigration reform and a path to citizenship, that would mean millions could be left out of the system. About 59 percent of the 11.9 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States have no health insurance, according to the Pew Hispanic Center" (Barbassa, 8/10).

August 10, 2009


Here's a non-partisan nonprofit that checks all the statements made by politicians on both sides of the aisle on the Health care issue:

Fear Mongering Myths About Health Reform

There is so much bizarre misinformation spread out there by the powerful lobbyists on behalf of the Insurance companies, it is simply unbelievable! Plus, critics seem to ignore the fact that Medicaid and Medicare are government-run programs. Although is not perfect, see what happens if these programs weren't around... You gotta give it to these fear mongers (Insurance industry and pharmaceutical companies). Check out the facts of the health reform bill for yourself:


This Week's Top 10 Billboard Latin Songs in the U.S.

Pic From Espinoza Paz.com

1) Lo Intentamos by Espinoza Paz

2) Loba by Shakira

3) Ya es Muy Tarde by La Arrolladora Banda El Limon

4) Causa y Efecto by Paulina Rubio

5) El Amor by Tito el Bambino

6) Yo no se Mañana by Luis Enrique

7) Comprendeme by German Montero

8) Abusadora by Wisin y Yandel

9) Quien es Usted by Sergio Vega

10) I know You Want Me by Pittbul

Wisin y Yandel lost their first place to Lo Intentamos by Espinoza Paz; they are now sitting in eighth place. Two spots behind La Loba’s last week’s sixth place. Shakira climbed four spots to second place this week. I wouldn’t be surprised if she conquers the number one spot next week. Falling out of the top 10 list was Luis Fonsi with Aqui estoy Yo, and entering this week’s Top 10 list is Pitbull with I know you want me.

Here's the list: http://www.billboard.com/charts/latin-songs#/charts/latin-songs

Student Debt Breathing Down My Neck!

I’m not sure about you, but I got student loan debt breathing down my neck- ugh! To the point, I’m going to have to sell my underwear(I know no one wants it) to be able to pay back. Anyway, here’s a call to action from the FB Project on Student Debt sent by Shannon Gallegos:

Take Action Now for Real Loan Forgiveness

In addition to lowering monthly student loan payments, IBR forgives any remaining debt -- including interest -- after 25 years of payments. Most borrowers will pay off their debt before then, but under current law, if there's anything left after 25 years, the amount forgiven would be taxed as income to the borrower.

A bipartisan bill in the U.S. House of Representatives, H.R.2492, would prevent debt forgiven through IBR from being taxed as income. Loan forgiveness is supposed to wipe the slate clean for responsible borrowers, not create a new financial obligation.

Many of you have already taken action, helping to persuade over 20 Members of Congress to sign on in support of the bill. We need your help to bring more on board! If you haven't already, please take a moment to urge your representative to support H.R. 2492.

Take action! [http://ibrinfo.org/action.vp.html]

Got Private Loans? Share Your Story.

Private student loans are risky and expensive, and they aren't eligible for IBR, Public Service Loan Forgiveness, or other important consumer protections that come with federal student loans. Policymakers and the press are starting to pay attention to the plight of private-loan borrowers, so now is the time to make your voice heard! If you're interested in sharing your experience with private student loans, please fill out our Borrower Spokesperson form. Reporters and legislative staff frequently ask us about specific types of borrowers, and we'll connect you when there's a fit.

Sign up to become a spokesperson


New August Webinars

Equal Justice Works, an IBRinfo partner, has added new webinars to their "Student Debt Relief" series. Topics include "Getting Your Student Loans Forgiven: How Government and Nonprofit Employees Can Earn Public Service Loan Forgiveness," a must for anyone with high student debt working for the government or a nonprofit, and "Counseling Students and Graduates about Income-Based Repayment and Public Service Loan Forgiveness," designed specially for school professionals including financial aid officers, student advisors, and career counselors.

To sign up, use the links at the bottom of http://ibrinfo.org

This group has almost 5,000 members. And once that happens, we won't be able to email everyone at once. But if you sign up for the email list at http://IBRinfo.org, we can keep you up to date on important policy changes (e.g. when the Public Service Loan Forgiveness application becomes available). We promise we won't spam you or share your email address with anyone!

August 08, 2009

Do You Twitter?

We twitter! Follow us on Twitter at LLOnlineBlogera

Weekly Address: Necessary Reform, Absurd Attacks

August 07, 2009

Twitter Revolution - Iran

Check out how social networking sites like twitter are remaking the dissemination of information in Iran. Typical example was the Iranian civil society's discontent with the outcome of the last presidential election. You can follow me @ LLOnline Blogera on Twitter. Viewer discretion is advised to watch this video. Video by Journey Man Pictures. Copyrights belong to them.

Commentary: Proud to be a 'wise Latina' by A Wise Latina

Pic from CNN.com
As you well know, before and during Sotomayor’s hearings, the “wise Latina” remark left a lot to talk about in the halls of congress, in the water coolers at the work place, and in the usual chitchats in mainstream society (Specially among Latinas) —I found this great commentary posted yesterday by none other than a Great and beautiful “Wise” Latina, Maria Hinojosa from CNN. Check out her view on the Wise Latina comment,

I love “Wise” Latinas all over the country—Holler if you are a Wise Latina!

August 06, 2009

Senate Confirmation Vote on Judge Sotomayor

Historic day for America!

Jay-Z for Barack: "Obama's Running So We All Can Fly"

Change is HERE!

The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony - (Instrumental/Karaoke)

Go Sotomayor!

Senator Menendez advocates the confirmation of Judge Sotomayor

Sotomayor's Confirmation Fiesta!

Today is the big day! The U.S. Senate is projected to take up the full vote on Sotomayor's Nomination around 3 p.m. There are plenty of Latino and non-Latinos gatherings throughout the country celebrating this historical event; in Chicago, NYC, LA, San Francisco, Houston, Miami, Washington, DC., and more. It’s time to CELEBRATE the Bronx, our community, and America!

So far, support is been divided among partisan lines (As expected, those GOP no nos quieren...). Except 8 GOP Senators have come out publicly to show support for her nomination (You should remember them next time you go to the Polls). Here’s how the Washington post reports the break down among Senators:


GOP: 40
Out For: 8
Out Against: 31

Republicans Supporting Sotomayor
• Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C.)*
• Sen. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.)
• Sen. Christopher Bond (Mo.)
• Sen. Susan Collins (Maine)
• Sen. Olympia Snowe (Maine)
• Sen. Richard Lugar (Ind.)
• Sen. Mel Martinez (Fla.)
• Sen. Judd Gregg (N.H.)

Republicans Opposing Sotomayor
• Sen. Jeff Sessions (Ala.)*
• Sen. Orrin Hatch (Utah)*
• Sen. Charles Grassley (Iowa)*
• Sen. Jon Kyl (Ariz.)*
• Sen. John Cornyn (Texas)*
• Sen. Tom Coburn (Okla.)*
• Sen. John Barrasso (Wyo.)
• Sen. Robert Bennett (Utah)
• Sen. Sam Brownback (Kan.)
• Sen. Richard Burr (N.C.)
• Sen. Jim Bunning (Ky.)
• Sen. Saxby Chambliss (Ga.)
• Sen. Thad Cochran (Miss.)
• Sen. Bob Corker (Tenn.)
• Sen. Mike Crapo (Idaho)
• Sen. Jim DeMint (S.C.)
• Sen. John Ensign (Nev.)
• Sen. Mike Enzi (Wyo.)
• Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (Tex.)
• Sen. James Inhofe (Okla.)
• Sen. Johnny Isakson (Ga.)
• Sen. Mike Johanns (Neb.)
• Sen. John McCain (Ariz.)
• Sen. Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
• Sen. James Risch (Idaho)
• Sen. Pat Roberts (Kan.)
• Sen. Richard Shelby (Ala.)
• Sen. John Thune (S.D.)
• Sen. David Vitter (La.)
• Sen. Roger Wicker (Miss.)
• Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)

* Member of Judiciary Committee

Well, hope you are aware of the amazing historical event happening today; wherever you are, you should be proud for our community and America overall. History is being made TODAY! Go find a place to celebrate, if you don’t know one, e-mail me (Latinosylatinasonlineblogera@gmail.com) and I’ll try to find one for you.



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All content including images, instructions, ideas, designs, working and information posted on this Blog are Copyright of Latinos y Latinas Online Blogera. This does not apply to third party content borrowed from other sources, e.g. the White House's weekly address borrowed from their official YouTube channel, and others (including articles, videos, and more). Aside from that, all content we share is for non-commercial and personal use only. Original content written by members(Authors) of this blog is strictly prohibited to share for other than personal purposes. Please do not copy this content (text, pictures, others) and claim them as your own. If you would like to use any content on this blog and belonging to Latinos y Latinas Online Blogera, for a purpose other than personal, please email, latinosylatinasonlineblogera@gmail.com for permission. Latinos y Latinas Online Blogera doesn't claim credit for any images featured here unless otherwise noted. I try to give credit when I can. Most visual content is copyright to its owners. If you own rights to any of the images on my blog and do not wish for them to appear here, please contact me, and I will remove them as soon as possible.